• Nucleus(細胞核)

                         The nucleus contains genetic material (chromosomes),The nucleus is also the center of life.

  • Cell Wall(細胞壁)

                          The cell wall is only found in plants, and it is equivalent to a city wall that can support the entire cell.

  • Cell Membrane(細胞膜)

                The cell wall is only found in plants, and it is equivalent to a city wall that can support the entire cell.
The cell membrane is a membrane that separates the inside and outside of the cell. Some substances, such as gas molecules, can enter and exit the cell membrane by simple diffusion, but some substances need to pass through the proteins on the membrane to enter and exit, such as molecules (glucose, amino acid ions, minerals). And water is more special, it can do both.

  • Vacuole(液泡)

​​​​​​​               The vacuole stores water, nutrients, and wastes inside, and animals are roughly the same as the vacuoles of plants except for their number and size.

  • Mitochondria(粒線體)

​​​​​​​  Mitochondria are where energy is provided using respiration.

  • cytoplasm(細胞質)

​​​​​​​               Cytoplasm is the sol-like substance that separates each part of a cell. Most cellular activities take place within the cytoplasm, such as many metabolic pathways, including cell division.

  • chloroplast(葉綠體)

​​​​​​​              The chloroplast is a cell structure unique to plants that can perform photosynthesis to produce nutrients.


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