In a futuristic fast food restaurant,there were two kinds of food. One was called King The Burger and Pineapple The Pizza. Every body only bought Pizza. Just then,King said,''I'm gonna get a new meaty recipe!''. While he wrote a new recipe ,Pineapple planned to steal it. Soon,King The Burger finished his recipe. When he went to the bathroom,he didn't see that Pineapple The Pizza was hiding under his desk.''I'll take it and use for myself.''laughed Pineapple.When King noticed the recipe was gone,he quickly ran to Pineapple and took a bite.''What are you doing man?I'll bite you too,''Pineapple said loudly.Following that,Pineapple bit the King and they fought until they were tired.Last,Pineapple tried to step away but their cheese stuck them together.The Pizger was born!


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